You have
reached The Commissioners of Leonardtown’s online payment portal. This portal is limited to accepting payments
for the quarterly water, sewer, and trash bill. Do not make property tax
payments here.
If you choose
to register for an account, you will be able to see billing, usage, and payment
history when necessary. There is also an
option for viewing the current bill. The
format is different than the paper bill sent in the mail but includes all the
same information. This is helpful if delivery
of the paper bill is delayed.
There is an option
to use QuickPay versus Log In if you would rather not sign up for an
account. The QuickPay option will not
allow payment of more than the outstanding balance. If you want to make pre-payments, please
register. NEW!!! In mid February, the QuickPay option is not allowed when making E-check payments. You must register for an account.
Note : Pressing the pay button multiple times will result in your payment being processed multiple times
If you have
any questions about or encounter any problems using this portal, you may reach the
Town office staff at 301-475-9791 during regular business hours or email leonardtown.commissioners@leonardtownmd.gov.
There is no
additional fee to make online payments.